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Piano Musical Offerings Vol 3
Ten offertories and two concert pieces for keyboard.
- My Soul Is Now United (arr. Dorothy Gates)
- Teach Me How to Love Thee (arr. Stanley Ditmer)
- ‘Tis So Sweet (Kirkpatrick, arr. Holly Ruthberg)
- There’s Something about that Name (Gaither, arr. Dorothy Gates)
- He Hideth My Soul (Kirkpatrick, arr. Dorothy Gates)
- Seek Ye First (Lafferty, arr. Thomas Mack)
- Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart (Atkinson, arr. Harold Burgmayer)
- Draw Me Nearer (Doane, arr. Stephen Bulla)
- Zulu Air (arr. Kevin Norbury)
- Here at the Cross (Coles, arr. Karen Krinjak)
- Randolph (Vaughan-Williams, arr. Kevin Norbury)
- Humoresque (Kevin Norbury)