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Piano Musical Offerings Vol 1
This album is designed for keyboard players, particularly pianists, who are looking for fairly simple offertories based on established hymns or gospel songs. In many of the arrangements attention is paid to practicable durations combined with thoughtfully chosen themes, while others adhere less strictly to such requirements. All of the pieces may be found useful on other various occasions when keyboard solos are wanted.
The items are numbered in an approximate order of difficulty, the simplest appearing at the beginning.
Twenty offertories for keyboard.
- Seek Ye First (Lafferty, arr. William Himes)
- Quem Pastores Laudavere (arr. June Collin)
- Trefaenan (arr. June Collin)
- I Bring My Heart to Jesus (Warner, arr. Michael Kenyon)
- Children of Jerusalem (arr. Michael Kenyon)
- Yield not to Temptation (Palmer, arr. Ray Bowes)
- Blest Are the Pure in Heart (arr. June Collin)
- Long, Long Ago (Bayly, arr. Ray Steadman-Allen)
- Wonderful Words of Life (Bliss, arr. Michael Kenyon)
- Just As I Am (Bradbury, arr. Karen Krinjak)
- Slater (Slater, arr. Ivor Bosanko)
- Within My Heart a Melody (Bridges, arr. Hollie Ruthberg)
- Armadale (Skinner, arr. Ivor Bosanko)
- Wondrous Cross (Mason, arr. Stephen Bulla)
- Old Hundredth (Brian Bowen)
- Songs About Jesus (arr. Fred W. Harding)
- Showers of Blessing (McGranahan, arr. Stephen Bulla)
- Someone Cares (Larsson, arr. Ivor Bosanko)
- What a Friend (Converse, arr. Leonard Ballantine)
- An Infant’s Lullaby (arr. Peter Graham)